Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Dragon City Hack Gem Permanent

get Dragon+City+Gem+Hack+Permanent
Collect Dragon City Gem with Hack (Pemanent) for free, with this hack you can get gem for free. With this cheat we will get 50 Gems per day for free. Update on  ‎Wednesday, ‎October ‎23, ‎2013.

How to get 50 gems per day for free::
  1. log in to your facebook account then open game Dragon City
  2. After that, open this site:
  3. Then input your Facebook ID and Your Session ID
  4. Then click get submit
  5. Wait 15 to 20 seconds
  6. NOTE: This tool works once a day, so if you already use today, you have to wait to use it again the next day.

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